Tag Archives: thriving after PPD

#PPDChat 02.22.16: After PPD

PPDChat 02-22-16, PPDSo much focuses on how to get through PPD.

But what about AFTER.

After the storm has cleared.

After you’ve stopped fighting every day for your mind to function properly.

After the fog of this stage has lifted and you’re no longer in survival mode.

What happens then?

When does the fog lift? What if it doesn’t? What about explaining why you crawled into a hole to people who ask what happened or where you have been? How do you adjust to your new normal?

Tonight, we’ll talk about all of this and more. What happens if you face further diagnoses after coming through a Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder, making friends after PPD, parenting after PPD, having kids after, lessons you’ve learned – we’ll talk about ALL of it.

I sincerely hope you’ll join us tonight at 8pm ET on Twitter for this very important chat. See you there!