My Postpartum Voice is a privately operated blog reflecting the opinions, research, and experiences of Lauren Hale.
My Postpartum Voice pre-moderates as well as post-moderates all comments on all blog posts and retains the right to immediately remove any comments whether published or not which violate any of this site’s policies.
We never censor comments based on political or ideological point of view but do maintain the right to delete any comments that are disrespectful and incendiary of the general reader population here at My Postpartum Voice.
Intent of post is determined solely by the editors at My Postpartum Voice. Any issues regarding intent may be addressed via email to for further clarification. My Postpartum Voice retains the right to make final decisions regarding publication or revocation of any comments or content of comments on this blog.
Comments by first time commenters are held in moderation due to the sensitive nature of this blog. Once approved, your comments will be immediately published but all comments are still subject to all rules set forth within this policy.
We also actively delete and/or moderate comments including the following violations:
• abusive, off-topic, and/or use of excessive foul language.
• include argumentum ad hominem attacks including (but not limited to) comments that celebrate and/or demean and/or imply the desired the death or illness of any person, public figure or otherwise.
• contain racist, sexist, homophobic and other slurs.
• are solicitations and/or advertising for personal blogs and websites.
• spamming
• are posted with the explicit intention of assaulting and/or provoking other commenters or the authors at My Postpartum Voice.
• contains content that may infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of others or other applicable laws or regulations.
Last Updated October 23, 2013