Tag Archives: Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders

#PPDChat Topic 02.11.13: Ostracized – Internal or External?


As a mom struggling with a postpartum mood disorder, we often take a step back into our own world because we have to in order to heal. We protect ourselves from harms way by placing ourselves in a bubble, whatever size bubble that may be. As a result, we feel ostracized, isolated, shunned. The isolation is part of postpartum depression, we tell ourselves. Motherhood is isolating enough, without postpartum depression.

After we’ve healed enough to come out of our caves, we look around the landscape for anything familiar. Sometimes, it’s just as we left it. Other times, it’s completely changed because those around us don’t know how to relate to us now. They aren’t sure how to be themselves with us or if they’re *gasp* safe with us. We’ve all felt this at some time or another. This part, it’s not us. It’s them. It’s not what we’ve done, it’s how those around us deal with mental health issues. Maybe they’ve never had to deal with them before, maybe they’re not educated enough to deal with them. But there we all are, in a room, with an elephant.

That’s what today’s chat is about -that elephant- and whether it’s created by us or them. Join us and let’s get to talking about how to deal with that huge elephant in the room – brainstorm how we can get it to pull up to the table and drink tea with ALL of us.

My Postpartum Voice of the Week badge

Postpartum Voice of the Week: The Monster Within

Every so often, I read a blog post which takes me right back into the darkness. Right back into the days spent in the middle of the vortex with the Wicked Witch flying right past my window.

This is one of those posts.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time ruminating or introducing the post.

I will say that if you’re vulnerable, you may want to avoid it. There’s a lot of showing instead of telling, raw honesty, and power in this post.

It’s why this post by Kimberly at Reflections of Now is my pick for Postpartum Voice of the Week.

Go. Read. Love.

PPDChat OntheAir Button

Announcement: #PPDChat goes video @OnTheAir

I am SO excited to invite y’all to the very first LIVE VIDEO #PPDCHAT!!!

(The caps and the exclamation points drive that home, right?!)

Starting this Thursday at 8pm ET, I will be going live at OnTheAir for the very first time. I’m extremely excited and somewhat nervous. I’ve only done video conferencing/chat with my kids. But I guess if you can get a 4 year old to respond via the Internet, you can handle adults, right? Right?!?! At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

#PPDChat started nearly 2 years ago as part of a makeover here at my blog. It’s skyrocketed. #PPDChat is a wonderful, compassionate, resilient, and amazing community both on Twitter and at Facebook. The closed FB group is nearing 100 members and I know we have far more participants on Twitter. The 24/7 peer support offered through the hashtag is a beautiful thing when in motion. To this day, I have not witnessed one single act of abuse or mal-intent with this hashtag, which is mind-boggling given the inherent stigma which goes along with the issue of Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders.

So, it’s with a deep breath, a lot of nerves, and a very excited heart I dive into the world of video for the community of #PPDChat. I believe it will bring us closer, increase our authenticity, and further reduce any stigma which exists around the world of Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders.

A few notes though:

OnTheAir does not currently have any way to come “On Stage” without activating your video camera. IF you do not want to be seen but want to be heard, I suggest taping paper or doing something to block your video camera (point it away from you if you have to) before you click the “Call In” button. I know many of you value your anonymity. I want you to feel comfortable participating without sacrificing your privacy. You don’t have to “Call In” to participate as there is a chat feature which scrolls out to the side.

If you want to “Call In” and be on “Stage” with me, you will need to register with the site. If you just want to watch, there is no need to register. Registration is free at this time and  can be done by signing up through either Twitter or FB. You’ll need to RSVP to the show in order to get an email reminder of when it’s happening.

If you have any questions I’ve not covered here, please ask them via comment or find me on Twitter (@unxpctdblessing). I’ll do my best to answer them or get the answer for you.

Links you’ll need to participate:

Join OnTheAir here: http://www.ontheair.com/home

RSVP to this Thursday’s show (Topic – Open Forum) here: http://www.ontheair.com/show/483

I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!