Tag Archives: formula feeding

#PPDChat 08.03.15: Feeding Your Baby


It’s World Breastfeeding Week.

While nursing is awesome, it doesn’t always work for EVERY mother/baby dyad. Some moms have physical or emotional reasons for choosing to nurse their babes.

What truly matters is feeding the baby.

So tonight’s #PPDChat will focus on doing just that. Feeding the baby. We’ll discuss all sorts of challenges moms (both nursing and formula feeding) face when it comes time to feeding your baby. I ran the gamut when my kids were little. My oldest self-weaned from the breast at 16 months old, just two weeks before I discovered I was expecting my second. My second was born with a complete cleft palate so I exclusively pumped for 7 months before switching over to formula. My third was diagnosed as failure to thrive at 6 months old because of a stress-related supply issue and was on formula within 24 hours despite the pediatrician’s urge for me to pump. I knew that would not lead good places and formula was the healthier (and saner) choice for both of us.

Feeding your baby is all about making choices that are right for YOU and baby, not what’s right for everyone around you.

Does the baby have to be an infant for you to join the chat? Nope. We know that feeding older kids is challenging as well. Besides, we all know our kids will ALWAYS be our babies, no matter what their actual age.

Join us tonight for an all out love fest for ALL MANNERS of feeding our babes at #PPDChat.

See you on Twitter at 9pm ET!

Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression – Again

A recent research article, posted by The Postpartum Stress Center on Facebook, looks into the relationship between postpartum depression and breastfeeding.

The findings? Women who breastfeed are less likely to experience postpartum depression.

Here’s what The Postpartum Stress Center had to say about the study on Facebook:

“Uh-oh. Here we go… research shows reciprocal relationship between PPD and breastfeeding. Women who breastfeed were more likely to have PPD and women with PPD were less likely to breastfeed. Now, that being said – this is NOT what I see in my clinical practice. In fact, we see more evidence of women feeling BETTER when they stop breastfeeding. For a number of reasons that vary from woman to woman. This is why it continues to be important that we read the studies, but not jump to conclusions that may not relate to each individual woman.”

Here’s my reaction:


  • Small study – only 137 women
  • Mentions employed mothers who were formula feeding but the abstract makes no mention of employed breastfeeding/pumping mothers.

As a blogger focused primarily on Postpartum Mood Disorders and emotional health for moms, this study raises my hackles.

I’ve blogged about the whole breastfeeding v. not-breastfeeding thing during a Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorder thing before – several times- and each time, I conclude the same thing.

YOU have to do what is BEST FOR YOU. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, it doesn’t matter what the research says, it doesn’t matter what is best for baby food-wise. What matters here, the most, is that you are addressing your needs, healing, and doing so in a manner which alleviates the most stress and anxiety for you.

Your motherhood journey is just that – yours.

The only thing which matters is that you, your baby, and your family, are thriving. If your path includes breastfeeding, great. If it doesn’t, that’s great too. When you struggle with a mental illness, your emotional health absolutely comes before everything else –at least in my book it does.

If you wanted to breastfeed but find it’s too stressful because of your Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorder, talk it over with your care-provider. Let them help you make your decision but don’t let them pressure you into continuing simply because the research claims breastfeeding is “protective” against PPD. Guess what? You’re already struggling. So unless breastfeeding is the ONE thing to which you’re clinging and the ONE thing which helps you heal, helps you feel like you matter, it’s OKAY to stop.

It’s okay to use formula.

Frankly, it’s sad we have to give ourselves permission not to breastfeed in this day and age. Moms use formula for a variety of reasons –as long as baby is growing, healthy, happy, and loved, it shouldn’t matter what form of nutrition is used.

So go. Do what feels best for you, for your family, and for your sanity –and don’t let anyone judge you for it.