Mother’s Day is another time in a mother’s life when she’s expected to be all smiles, and filled to the brim with joy. After all, it’s a day dedicated solely to our lives – motherhood. But not all mothers are filled to the brim with joy on Mother’s Day. The gauntlet of emotions for many are rough – for many reasons. Everything from troubled relationships with their own mothers, to child loss, to mental illness, to separation or alienation with their own children – the gauntlet is real and it is a rough one to run.
Tonight, #PPDChat is providing a safe space for mothers to speak up about their experiences with emotions on Mother’s Day – to let them out and process them with others who understand how hard this day can be for all of us.
See you tonight at 9pm, ready to listen with an open heart. Much love to all Mothers who had a tough day yesterday, for whatever reason. You’re not alone.