Strange Dreams

Most women who have been pregnant are familiar with the vivid dreams that come along as part of the territory. The first time I had a vivid dream, it scared me quite a bit. Now, I’ve learned to expect them but they still surprise me occasionally. Last night was one of those nights. I can’t even tell you what the dream was about because it was so jumbled… but it was a WEIRD one, I can tell you that much. I woke up in the middle of the dream and realized I really did have to go to the bathroom. At least I woke up, right?? :-)

I have been physically sore the past few days – my upper back, neck, and shoulders have all been killing me. I worked my butt off this past weekend cleaning the house and I think I overworked myself. I’m also horribly out of alignment in the pelvic area and can’t quite get it to re-align.  I have PT on Monday – you better BELIEVE I’m looking forward to that. And normally I would take a hot bath, but um, the high temps here in GA have been in the low 100’s and our back porch (where the bathroom is) has no AC. I think a hot bath back there might do more damage than good to my already ravaged pregnant body. (And just an FYI,  it’s nearly 10a here and already 86 degrees)

On a funny note, Alli stood and shouted at my stomach this morning … “GOOD MORNING CAMERON!” I laughed.

And upon being licked by the dog, she promptly wiped it off and said, “Dog spit! GROSS!” I laughed again.

Charlotte was full of kisses this morning and has officially learned the sign for “Thank you” and used it whenever I would put her sippy cup back down on the tray. She sits in my lap when she eats her meals. It’s my way of bonding with her because we weren’t able to bond via breastfeeding. Her EI therapist comes today and I’m looking forward to the visit, if for no other reason than to tell her that Charlotte now has two signs! It does get frustrating to not really have her talking yet but she is great at communicating her needs. If only she could learn words! Still, she is doing things in her time, and I have certainly learned the meaning of patience from her.

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About LHale

Sassy, outspoken, laughing, football loving, F1 & MotoGP fanatic, coffee and beer snob, bacon addicted Mama blogging about Postpartum Mood Disorders as she tries to figure out her new place in this world. C'mon along for the ride, won't ya?

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