We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them.
~Charles C. West~
Just as mechanics kick the tires when evaluating a vehicle, carpenters shake foundations, kick legs, make sure they’re strong and will withstand the wear and tear that life will bring their way.
Sometimes? God does that with us.
Every so often, He shakes our foundations to make sure we’re awake. To make sure that we are growing strong in Him as we journey through life.
It’s not fun when God shakes your foundations. Sometimes He shakes them until they break. Then we are left to decide if we will rebuild.
The thing is? God knows what we will do before we do. And He is there to help us do it. He’s got the plans, the tools, the nails, the screws, the crew, everything.
We just have to ask.
Every day, all day, every day.
Even then, though, the help we ask for may not appear in the manner we expect.
Prayer, while an important aspect of recovery for a woman rooted in faith, should not be the only tool used to fight depression.
God may send help in the form of an awesome therapist, a non-judgmental friend, medication, herbal remedies, etc.
What’s not okay is for someone to use your faith to make you feel guilty about your depression.
God often took strong men and women and put them in perilous situations in order to grow their strength. Think of Job, Esther, Jonah, Daniel, David, and many more.
I leave you today with Bible verses that kept me thankful for every single thing which happened after the birth of my second daughter. These verse soothed my soul during the month she spent in the NICU. It soothed my soul as I spent time in a psychiatric ward. I carried them with me everywhere I went.
The verses are from James 1:2-4:
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Know that my prayers are with you as you find yourself tested by God. I know first hand it is not an easy place in which to be, especially when you have little ones who so desperately need you and cling to your every waking moment.
He is there with you even if you cannot sense His presence. He may be carrying you. He may be waiting for you to call upon Him but He is there, oh yes, He is there. He is always there. That’s the easy part. The hard part is trusting Him with it all, waiting, and listening for His answers. They may not be what you expected them to be but they will always be just what you need them to be right when you need them.