Tag Archives: colds


Wow. The past few weeks have been insane.

First, the girls got colds.

Then Chris got the flu and I got a sore throat. (Of course by then the girls were better and lemme tell ya – sick parents + recovered kids makes for a very unbalanced household!)

We finally got our car back (YAY).

I’ve been lucky to have any time to myself during the day. The girls recently started napping again during the day – both of them in their room but I’ve been so busy with trying to keep up with (read: catch up) housework that I often times don’t get on the computer at all during the day and of course at night I am exhausted so of COURSE I am not thinking of the computer.

I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things pretty soon here.

PACE meetings haven’t been terribly successful yet either. Gotta figure out how to change that and work on my relationships with local physicians. My mom will be here in April so maybe I’ll get her to keep the kids one or two mornings while I go around town to OB’s and Ped’s offices to stick up fliers. I also have an event planned for next month here in town, a screening of two PPD documentaries that will hopefully raise awareness of PPD and of PACE in the process.

In March I will also be speaking in Atlanta at an event co-sponsored by MHA and Skyland Trail. Look for more information on this later this week. Next month is going to be very busy!

Wish I could stay longer but I am in severe need of caffeine and the girls have been absolutely horrid this afternoon. I am about to pull out the Nanny McPhee Medicine (aka blackstrap molasses).

Finally getting back on my feet!

Yesterday was my worst day of that horrible cold I referred to in my previous post. I had zero energy and was just shaky most of the day. The cold had also degenerated into a horrible cough which is finally starting to dissipate as well. I went to bed last night at 8pm, right after putting Alli to bed. It took everything out of me just to cook dinner and care for the girls yesterday.

Today is much better, combination of a ton of sleep (nearly 12 hours) and just general recovery. I’m about to lie down and rest for now though. i do have a couple of posts I really want to get up – one involves a recent online article I read by a columnist for the Oprah magazine that kind of irked me. The other is about a really cool farm in MI designed for rehab of the mentally ill. More on those tomorrow though – right now, I am going to continue to rest. i don’t want to push myself too much on my first good day!