We moved Charlotte into Alli’s room last night. They were both ok until the light got turned out and then they both started screaming. They calmed down rather quickly and went to sleep. Chris says they were up several times, Alli had to go potty. I got up at 430a to go to the bathroom and heard them both giggling.
Today has been a horrible day. I had an OB appt this morning (that went well) however, coming home was a whole ‘nother story. Chris had bathed both the girls because apparently Alli had helped her take off her jammies and her diaper – getting pee everywhere. FUN. Alli had also opened her armoire and threw all of the clothes I just washed all over the floor. Fun. Now I have to wash them again.
For added fun, when I went to put Charlotte down, her crib was broken – missing a cap nut or something so Chris came home at lunch to fix it because I couldn’t find the missing piece. (I have my suspicions as to where it will turn up though)
Alli is spending time with me during quiet time now because if I put the two of them in that room together during quiet time, it will be a disaster – I know this. (she’s driving me friggin insane!)
To top things off, I think i am having a bit of false labor today – had what felt like contractions earlier this morning at the doc’s office and then again when Chris was on his way home. Not sure if it’s the real thing getting ready to rock n roll or just the stress of last night and today. The ones that happened when Chris was on his way home happened while I was sitting down and I had been doing so most of the morning.
Right now I just want to go somewhere and scream. If I have to hear one more friggin excuse about why we can’t watch THIS movie, I’m just going to scream right now.
FRAZZLED is my word for today. Yeah, I think Frazzled sums it up.
Labor can’t happen tonight. Course if it does, at least I’d get some time away from the girls. LOL. Pretty desperate, huh?