Exit TiVo KidZone

Those three words are becoming almost as precious to me as “I love you.”

I’ll tell you why. It’s because when I click on those three words, I am reclaiming the TiVo for myself. It means the girls are down to quiet time and it’s now MOMMY time. Of course, the TV is still on Noggin when I go to live TV but that changes pretty quickly. Usually I put a movie on in the background and work on PPD stuff. Today I’m taking it slow. HaveĀ a few emails to send but as far as that’s concerned, I’m not doing a lot today. I’m going to continue to enjoy the slower pace.

This morning the girls and I went outside after breakfast and played. Charlotte swung and Alli wandered about playing with dead limbs from trees, pretending they were a little family. She also had a lot of fun throwing pine straw about. The funny story with Alli happened yesterday afternoon when Chris and I took the girls outside to play after quiet time.

Alli was swinging and all of the sudden she let out this really loud MMMMOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Yeah, typical three year old stuff, right? It gets funnier – the goats at the farm across the street ANSWERED her! So she changed her moo to a baaaaaa and for a good four or five minutes, she and the goats were “talking” to each other. Chris and I just lost it and Alli thought it was great. I LOVE that we live somewhere that she can experience stuff like that. Just love it.

Today Charlotte was the funny one – she would put both arms up in the air while swinging and squeal – like she was trying to say “wheeeee!” What I really get a kick out of is when she gives the sign for “more” while swinging. That’s just TOO precious.

As for my weekend, it was a huge success and I feel mentally rested. I kicked off the weekend with my therapy session and by 11a, I was OFF. At first it was weird to not be doing PPD stuff but eventually I just sat back and enjoyed things. I watched Nothing to Lose and took a nap Friday afternoon. Alli got out of her room while I was napping and ravaged the kitchen. Destroyed a $10 bottle of pure vanilla extract, poured out all the flower, brown sugar, soy sauce, large pearl tapioca, etc. It was a MESS. The only good thing that came out of it was her having to stay in her room for the rest of the afternoon which meant I got more time to myself. I was disappointed though – I had planned on taking the girls outside after quiet time. Saturday wasn’t much more of a success with Alli or Charlotte – both were fussy and whiny. And Alli ended up having to spend Sat afternoon in her room as well. She was much better on Sunday and so far so good today as well. We didn’t make it to Kid Nation last Thursday night due to misbehaviour as well. So as long as her behaviour stays on the up and up today, we’ll be watching it tonight.

I’m gonna run now and take a nap while I can. Hopefully no one gets out and does anything messy while I’m resting!

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