Monthly Archives: July 2007

Studies about SSRI’s & Pregnancy

Katherine Stone, who runs the Postpartum Progress Blog, recently posted about two new studies related to SSRI’s & risks to fetus during pregnancy. I thought I would post a link to her story here being that i mentioned meds & pregnancy in my last post.

Staying on your meds during pregnancy is a very personal decision and does have its risks – when I said I advocate staying on your meds – I meant it in such a way that you need to educate yourself about those risks vs. the benefits. The benefit being that if you stay on your med, you are more likely not to relapse during the postpartum stage. It’s also been proven that women who are depressed during pregnancy tend to deliver earlier than women who are not. This has been proven to me with my own two prior pregnancies. I was not depressed during my first pregnancy and delivered a week past my due date. With my second, I went into labor three weeks early. Not a scientific observation, but a personal one.

 That being said, the link to the story at Postpartum Progress is: 

 Discuss the risks with your doctor. Make an educated decision. That’s all I’m advocating. You are part of the care team and these early decisions are just as important as the ones you will make once baby is here. Just because you become a mother does not mean you should stop taking care of yourself – if anything, it means that you have EVEN MORE REASON to take care of yourself….

2nd Trimester Burst

So THIS is how the 2nd trimester is supposed to feel. Wow.

I’ve never had a 2nd trimester burst before…. I’ve gone straight from 1st trimester nausea into 3rd trimester I’m too daggum big to do anything with my previous 2 pregnancies. This is kinda nice.

I’ve managed to clean the front porch, straighten up the dining room, keep the living room clean, and as my previous post mentioned, get caught up with the dishes, and still enjoy life. I haven’t had the energy to tackle the bedroom yet but I know that’s coming.

Right now I need to focus on my presentation for a local mom’s group next Friday. My plan is to create a two-sided handout. One side will specify signs and symptoms of different PPD conditions (Once I get this typed up, look for it here and at my PACE site as well) and the other side will specify what friends and family can do to help a woman and family in need. I plan on just doing a round table discussion with the group that will cover the handout as well as my experiences with PPD – treated and untreated. I also plan to cover what you can do to help prevent relapse.

One of the biggest things that I advocate is staying on medicine during pregnancy – if you’re already on it. That decision is up to you and your doctor but if it is possible – your risk of relapse lessens GREATLY. In Women’s Mental Health (Kornstein, Clayton), there is a wonderfully written section on the risks of staying medicated vs. the risks of not staying medicated. I read it completely prior to my first OB visit and was ready to stand my ground if need be. Yes, I’m doing MUCH better than I was a year ago but as I have educated myself, I am aware of the risk of relapse – and plan to do everything possible to prevent another episode. I am aware that I may still crash and burn – but this time around I already have a therapist I trust, my husband who is awesome, and a great OB who knows the risks. I also have a lot of people in the PPD Support world that i can contact as well. PLUS I’ll have my group. I’m hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. I weathered it last time and came out stronger than ever so I KNOW I can do it!

I DID IT!!!!!!


My sinks were clear, my counters were clear… WHAT a GREAT FEELING!

 And yeah, I fried chicken for dinner BUT everything i used to cook is in the dishwasher right now… everything we ate off of has been scraped clean and is soaking, awaiting its turn in the dishwasher!


I was a little freaked at first b/c my kitchen hasn’t been this clean since I was in the throes of my PP OCD but then I realized I felt SATISFACTION and it was different than what i felt when I had PP OCD.

Oh, and my husband finally got my lap top up and running. Yeeehaw! It’s just been a great week.

See.. that happy magnet IS working! :-)