Category Archives: Dismissmas

On the Seventh day of Dismissmas: Seven Sins a-lurking

On the seventh day of Dismissmas,

Postpartum sent to me

Seven sins a-lurking,

Six women a-denying,

Five hours of sleep,

Four Just Snap out of Its,

Three perfect babies,

Two depressed parents,

And a wailing mess in a pear tree.



“I’m a bad mother.”

“I’ve done something horribly wrong. I deserve this hell.”

“If only I pray for forgiveness, this will all go away.”

Postpartum Depression strikes 1 in 8 new mothers. Regardless of their faith, tenacity, past behavior, current status, income, support, marital status, etc. No one is immune. We do not appear before a judge and jury to be sentenced with Postpartum Depression as retribution for past transgressions. It does not happen that way.

You do not have Postpartum Depression because you said the wrong thing to Aunt Irma last year at the family Christmas party. You do not have Postpartum Depression because you had bad thoughts about your unborn child during pregnancy. Yes, depression during pregnancy does lead to a higher risk of Postpartum depression but it is not BECAUSE of those thoughts – it is not punishment for them.

Bottom line?

Postpartum Depression is SO not your fault.