Monthly Archives: August 2008

Sharing the Journey with YOU (Take II)!

There was ONE taker last time for this interview (Thanks Heather!)

So c’mon – just five questions. You never know who you might help by sharing your story with the rest of us because even though they’re similar, each one has their own unique nuances and experiences that may just reach out and inspire a Mom or someone close to a Mom to get help for her!

1) What is your personal experience with PPD? Are you a survivor, partner, parent, medical professional?

2) Has your experience with PPD changed your life? If so, how?

3) What are some of your favorite PPD resources?

4) What role, if any, did your faith play in recovery or in your treatment views of PPD?

5) And last but not least – If you could pass on one piece of advice to an expecting mother, what would it be and why?

Baby and Maternity Fair Details

This past Saturday was the big day.

And no, I did not sing. Alli didn’t want to practice last week and I only had one couple attend my presentation. They were expecting their first so it didn’t apply. (PHEW! Talk about dodging a bullet!)

Overall the day went well. I had a lot of folks stop at my booth and ask questions. Are you ready for this though? The most talkative ones were the DADS! YES, THE DADS! I was ecstatic to have so many fathers genuinely interested in Postpartum Depression and finding out what they could do to help their partners. Oh those lucky lucky mamas!

I did make some great contacts, one of them being the director of the local Midwifery clinic at one of the hospitals. She wants me to present at their next departmental meeting in September. (YAY). A local Psychologist also introduced himself to me and seemed to be happy about the peer support I provide to for the community.

I am still exhausted and don’t have time to rest or really write much more as I have to prepare for a meeting in Atlanta tomorrow evening. I’ll tell you more about that after tomorrow. When I’ve had time to rest and can operate without the toothpicks propping my eyes open. As it is now, the couch is seriously calling my name and I’m doing everything I can to resist but I have this feeling resistance is futile and won’t last much longer.

Hey! It IS Thursday, isn’t it?

I know, I know.

where’s the interview?

Well, I am insanely busy this week preparing for that Maternity & Baby Fair Presentation.

And to add to the insanity, our internet connection was dead all day yesterday, forcing me to be tech free all day. We didn’t get internet connection back until just as I was going to bed. I did manage to get my presentation flyer finished but still have quite a bit to do between now and Saturday morning.

So Sharing the Journey the interview feature is on hiatus until next week when we’ll feature an interview with another father who’s been on the frontlines of the PPD Battle and survived! (And hopefully we’ll hear from his wife the following week!)

So take care and I will be back to posting regularly soon!



Toddler Postpartum Song

I’ve recruited my four year old daughter to help me with my presentation on Saturday and so I’ve involved her in the creative process of her portion of the “show” as she calls it. Alli is SO excited that she gets to help me help women (I’m so proud of that!) and she wants to sing a song. First off, I have a hard enough time singing in front of my girls that I can’t believe I agreed to this. So I asked her what she wanted the song’s tune to be – Twinkle Little Star or Old McDonald. As soon as I said Old McDonald my immediate thought was PLEASE don’t pick that one. Well Guess what. She did. SO I had to sit down and hammer out a decent song to the tune of Old McDonald had a Farm all about Postpartum Depression in terms that a toddler would understand. The current result is below and we’ll be practicing all week. I’ll probably have Chris do a video on Saturday and post it then so you can giggle at my inept attempts at singing to which you’ll probably tell me I did a pretty good job and I should be more confident because I’m not that bad just to be nice. I can take the Simon Cowell Comments, really, I can. I’m not the next American Idol and I KNOW IT.

The Toddler Postpartum Song by Lauren Hale

(sung to the tune of Old McDonald)

Mommy’s got a baby in her belly
And the baby’s gotta come out
Goo Ga Goo Ga Goo!
With a push push here and a doctor there
here a push there a push everywhere a push push
My little brother’s here now
Goo Ga Goo Ga Goo

Mommy gets to come home now
Yay yay yay yiphoo!
So does little brother
Yay yay yay yiphoo!
With a vroom vroom here and a vroom vroom there
here a vroom there a vroom everywhere a vroom vroom
We’re all home now!
Vroom Vroom Vroom Vroom Vroom!

Mommy’s getting sad and lonely
sniffle sniffle go away!
Gotta try and cheer her up
giggle giggle laugh!
With a tickle tickle here and a hug hug there
here a tickle there a tickle everywhere a tickle tickle
Mommy’s finally smiling some
Giggle Giggle Laugh

Mommy went to the doctor
Talky Talky Wow
Feeling better getting help
Talky Talky Wow
With a talk talk here and some help over there
here some talk there some talk everywhere talk talk
Mommy’s cheering up now
Talky Talky Wow!

It takes time to get better
Wait Wait Wait
It’s different for everyone
Wait wait Wait
With some waiting here and some patience there
Here some patience there some patience everywhere some wait wait
Know you aren’t alone or to blame!
And you will get well!