Monthly Archives: March 2008

GREAT READ!!!! The Lifter of My Head by Sue McRoberts

Sue McRoberts is an amazing woman. Not only did she survive a difficult struggle with Postpartum Depression but she has also raised herself up to share her story with us and for that I commend her. As I know from personal experience, the first step you make to admitting there is a problem is a hard one but making the decision to share your story with others takes a lot of courage. Speaking out against the shame and stigma attached to PPD is a very courageous thing to do.

Sue’s book, The Lifter of My Head: How God sustained me during Postpartum Depression is an amazing read. Not only does Sue share with us how her faith grounded her during her spiral downward and helped to soothe her towards recovery, but she also educates her readers by explaining the disorders under the PPD umbrella as well as points her readers towards reliable sources for help in their time of need. This book is a responsible and respectful look into the world of PPD.

Coming soon I will have interviews with Sue McRoberts and her fellow bloggers from Totally New Moms so stay tuned!

Buenos Noches!

I am sitting at the PACE meeting (no one is here but me) listening to Santana’s Corazon Espinado via Rhapsody, watching the cars go by and the clouds slowly sink into their muted pinks and blues signaling the setting of the sun.

I wanted to type that in Spanish but I am so horribly rusty I’m sure I would have butchered it. In my prime with Spanish, I actually wrote poetry and translated a few poems too – including one of Langston Hughes’ poems which was really cool in Spanish. I’d be hard pressed to do that today although I am TRYING to get my skills back. I say trying because well, I have the cd’s, booklets, etc – it’s just finding the time. I’m immersing myself back into Latin music in the hopes of getting my mind back into that frame. I used to think in spanish while speaking english too. I think I even had a few dreams in spanish as well.

Started school time with the girls this week. So far it’s going ok, but then again, it’s just day two. Charlotte does flashcards, Alli traces her letters. She’s getting pretty good too. Charlotte was a LOT more talkative today and hopefully that’s a sign of more to come because I am really going to get aggressive on her talking. I suspect she knows how to say a lot more than she lets on and I am tired of letting her slide and I am not going to sit back and do nothing. She has a very small spoken vocabulary but is very high functioning receptively. It’s so frustrating!

MOTHER’S Act Rumors – Breaking the Silence

I consider this post to possibly be one of the most emotionally charged and important posts that I have written to date. Katherine Stone recently addressed this issue and having received a comment here at Unexpected Blessing, I am following suit.

On February 11, 2008, I received notification of a comment in response to one of my MOTHER’S Act posts. This comment blatantly challenged and negated the necessity for the bill and raised an alarmist point of view by claiming that new mothers would become trapped by the system and forced to take anti-depressants, masking the “root” of the problem. This comment also claimed that there is no “valid or concrete evidence proving the existence of such a disorder…” going on to point out that the disorders in the DSM-IV are “voted on….” (see:

Infuriated with this comment and feeling first hand the ignorance of the individual that wrote this, I remained silent until I could calmly and rationally respond.

First, let me assure you, I have LIVED the valid and concrete evidence that proves the existence of this very disorder. It has disrupted my life, it has disrupted my family’s life, and it has changed me as a person. Through this challenge, I have found my way out of the rabbit hole and I have found many others who have also found their way out orĀ are currently working their way out.

I have also suffered without treatment – because my first doctor decided that I didn’t fit the criteria for PPD – and was refused treatment based on this and the fact that I refused to stop nursing – something I was asked to do WHILE MY INFANT WAS SCREAMING TO BE NURSED! I knew from research and contact with others that I could be treated with medication. I also know now that I needed medication – because I tried to recover on my own but was unable to so, resulting in Progressive Postpartum Depression that continued into my second pregnancy, leading to early delivery and ultimately to my hospitalization when I was unable to do anything but curl up in the fetal position and rock back and forth, staring out my window, praying that I wouldn’t do anything to my children.

I believe in this bill because I have lived through the very depths of the condition it is fighting to uncover and remove the stigma of so that the next mother who suffers will not have to suffer in silence, will not have to go to her doctor and be rejected and told to “suck it up” and that this is a normal part of motherhood, something that she should get over, something that shouldn’t be happening because she is more than 6wks postpartum and therefore all her hormones should be back to normal by now. Clearly if a woman is seeking treatment (which by the way, is the HARDEST step), she has a reason to do so. And anti-depressants are not always the answer – there are plenty of other therapies that can be explored and may work for certain individuals.

The point is that mothers should feel as if they can work with their physicians as part of a team and not be disregarded nor dismissed when they finally push the tears and anxiety far enough away to make that plea for help. And let’s not forget that these are innocent victims – the mothers, the infants, the fathers, the families that are plagued by this tragic disease every day. It turned our world completely upside down and does even more to other families. I know I was lucky – I got help, I encountered physicians who were open to my plight and willing to lend a hand to help me climb out of my dystopia, encouraging me to turn and fight, making me believe that I could beat this. And I did beat it. I refuse to let anyone fight this alone as a result. If my story saves just one life, it will all have been worth it. I will fight for women and families to have access to fair and non-judgemental care until the day I die.

Ultimately I am pleading the case FOR the MOTHER’S Act. But I will tell you what I tell any woman in the midst of a postpartum crisis I come in contact with. Educate yourself. Get the facts, get them straight, verify them, and then speak. This is a free country and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but everyone should also be entitled to fair and just healthcare and not be afraid to make that phone call for fear of being dismissed or shrugged off. Postpartum Depression IS real. I have been there. I know a LOT of other women who have been there – it has been with us for thousands of years and yet we still live with the stigma. It is only with openness and research that acceptance and fair treatment will come. Please don’t deny new mothers the access to proper care that they deserve and so desperately need. So many times I have heard of doctors passing on bad advice or being dismissive, even in my hometown I have heard stories of women being told “Well if you’re not suicidal or thinking about hurting your baby, you’re fine” Excuse me??? So you want me to call you back AFTER I’ve done something. NO!!!! Preventive care is the best care – any cardiologist or oncologist would tell you that if this were heart disease or cancer we were discussing. But it’s not. It’s a mental illness. A DISEASE of the mind that these new moms did NOT ask for and want to be free from so they can enjoy their new babies and roles as mothers. Trust me, if we could free ourselves from these bonds on our own, we would.

So go forth, educate yourselves, read the text of the MOTHER’S Act, contact your Senator, ask questions, contact Senator Menendez. Contact PSI (who, by the way is NOT funded in any way shape or form by the pharmaceutical industry!), contact your local mental health advocacy group. But please, before you buy into what these naysayers have to cry from their mountaintops, check out the facts for yourself.

Send Prayers for my keyboard!

I know, i know, I’ve been gone lately.

Blame it on my keyboard – for some reason it has gone on strike. Just a few keys though: 8, i, k, and the comma key. I’m lucky they’re working now which is why I am furiously typing away while the girls scream and play in their room and I should probably be nursing Cameron but hey, I HAD to get a couple of things posted! (By the way Sue, I hope to finish your book by the end of the week and hope to have the review up soon!)

The girls have been behaving, Cameron has gained so much weight he’s got cute little fat dimplets on his tummy! And he’s exclusively breastfed! woohoooooo! LOL. I say that not to make formula feeding mommies feel bad (because AMEN for formula – my second daughter had to have it due to her cleft palate) but because his doctor was just SHOCKED that he had gained back up to his birth weight in just four days without being supplemented. Thanks for the faith there, doc.

Chris and I are going to pick up Alli from ballet tonight and then after they go to bed, we will have bbq. I’ve got homemade sauce simmering on the stove and a section of Boston Butt slow-cooking in the oven with a yummmy dry spice rub on it. MMMMMM. Also in the process of making some deviled eggs.

Oh, and since I’ve been gone, I’ve also managed to catch up with AND STAY CAUGHT UP with the dishes and laundry. :-0 And yes, I’m as amazed as you are. In fact, I was folding laundry last night and Chris checked in with me to make sure I was doing ok. (Cleaning/organizing is one of my key PP OCD symptoms) And yes, I am doing fine. In fact, I’ve never been better! :-)

Gotta run, now the girls really are screaming.

Atlanta Lunch & Learn


Well Dear Readers, I have agreed to my first BIG speaking engagement and it will be happening on March 28th in Atlanta. I will be speaking about my story as well as how I came to found my organization, PACE. The small details are in the attached PDF flyer but I will be speaking alongside Dr. Jeffrey Newport from Emory University and Katherine Stone of Postpartum Progress. I am very honored to be a part of this event. Registration is required but the event is free. MHA and Skyland Trail are co-sponsoring this event.

Even if you can’t attend, please pass the information on to someone who may be able to or post it at your place of employment.