Monthly Archives: November 2007

Watching the Democratic Debate tonight?

I am – it’s on at 8pm EST on CNN. I’m interested in watching a debate rather than hearing about it the next day. Chris is out with friends from work, the girls are asleep, and I’m curling up on the couch with some hot apple cider to watch the debate. Can I GET anymore American? LOL!

I may blog throughout the debate so stay tuned! :-)

(I will definitely update AFTER the debate with my thoughts!)

So much for going to bed early, huh?

32 weeks and counting down!

Why is it that now time seems to be dragging by?

Ever since I realized how fast delivery was rushing forth, it seems as if time has come to a stand still. Come the 25th of November, I’ll have about 6 weeks left in this pregnancy. I can’t wait until this whole pregnancy thing is over with because once I’ve delivered, I don’t have to feel like an invalid whenever I go to bed. Funny – sleeping is the only time I don’t hurt and yet climbing into bed is the ONLY time during the day at which I truly feel like an invalid because my pelvic pain prevents me from easily completing the task. Even with my support belt it’s difficult. Not to mention putting on the stupid belt has come to be a task that I hate. I haven’t worn it the past couple of nights because I’m currently out of alignment and lemme tell ya – wearing a support belt while out of alignment hurts. A lot. A whole HECK of a lot.

On a good note though, I was recently approved for more pool PT visits and had my first visit back today. It felt GREAT and I look forward to more visits.

Gonna take a nap for a short bit now – better cram in all the sleep I can get right now because once Cameron makes his arrival, I won’t be getting much of that at all!

Katie Corcoran Found!

Not only did the Internet help find Katie Corcoran, one of my readers also gave me a heads up that she had been found. Upon verfiying the information posted by a Hartford, CT news station (WFSB) and hoping that it is indeed true, I am happy to share with you the wonderful news!   

Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word.

Katie Corcoran has been found and is at home with her family.

See news link here: 

We are celebrating with her family!!!!!

 And Katie – we are all pulling for your continued recovery!

Medicating During Pregnancy

I know I’ve blogged on this topic prior to today but I wanted to draw attention to the topic again, following in the footsteps of Katherine Stone. She posted at her blog about The painful decision to medicate during Pregnancy and shares her feelings regarding her decision to medicate during her second pregnancy.

For me, having gone through a prior pregnancy after a severe bout of untreated postpartum depression and then relapsing as seriously as I did, staying on my meds was not a difficult decision. Like Katherine, I too knew the risks and had access to lots of educated opinions as well as studies. I knew the risks of stopping my meds as well and what potential that held in store for myself and my family. Not only would I be risking relapse during the postpartum period, but I risked depression during my pregnancy as well – which can lead to premature birth. My second daughter was born three and a half weeks early – and I was suffering from untreated depression. Untreated because I didn’t realize it and I am really good at covering things up.

So when this pregnancy reared up and bit us in the butt, we knew it was going to be an uphill battle. I was already on meds, already in therapy, and doing well but knowing I was facing another pregnancy scared the living daylights out of me. So we decided to stay on meds. It wasn’t even an option to go off them. Thankfully my OB fully supported my decision and has continued to stand behind me. We have not had any issues, no major defects were detected at our 20wk u/s, and things have progressed just fine. I pray that they continue to do so and that our son is born happy and healthy. I also pray that I won’t relapse this time.

Hoping for the best but definitely prepared for the worst!

8 month OB appt today

Just the usual weight check, bp, urine, and fundal height, and baby heartbeat stuff today. Everything was just fine and we chatted a bit about when I go into labor. Let me just say – I LOVE MY OB.

Because I’ve already given birth twice and had an unusually long labor last time, he is fine with me doing most of my laboring at home with a few exceptions – obviously if my water breaks or labor goes faster than in the past this time around. he doesn’t want me to show up dilated to 10 and ready to push. (And frankly, I’d prefer not to have that happen either!) I told him we’d have to talk my husband into letting me do most of my laboring at home – he is afraid labor will progress faster and he is NOT delivering the baby at home or in the car. LOL. Again, not my idea of what I’d like to have happen either. But on the flip side, I don’t want to spend 30 something hours in the hospital in labor again either.