Today, one of our own is taking a deep breath and walking into a hospital.
She’s not going alone.
We are all going with her. The whole #PPDChat army. Because that’s what we do… we go wherever we are needed. Today, we are needed at a hospital.
Pam, we love you. All of us. We are proud of you for taking this step. Proud of you for the courage we all know too well required to take this step. We know those doors are heavy, frightening, and full of all we don’t want to admit is wrong with us. But you are not pushing them open without us. We are all there, helping you push. Helping you heal. You’re not alone. You are loved. You are supported. By the Army. By the Band. You ROCK.
Also, #PPDChat Army & The Band? We totally rocked it this week – the love we showed Pam is a true testament to the power of social media – and proof that friendship doesn’t have to just be in person to be real. Thank YOU for helping to save a life.
Go leave Pam some love to read when she returns… read her blog post about checking in.
For those of you reading who are part of the #PPDChat army or the Band or just want to show love, @d20Blonde has brilliantly suggested we send Pam a gift to show her our love. Please find me on Twitter @unxpctdblessing or leave a comment stating you’d like to contribute. We’ll be collecting the money via Paypal. Anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated. Update: A gift was ordered and delivered to Pam today. Thank you to everyone who contributed. I’ll be checking into getting a virtual card for us to all sign for her as well.

I’m just sitting here with tears rolling down my face. For Pam. For all of us who have been scared for her all week. For finally being able to let my emotions roll, knowing she’s in amazing hands and is taking this step for herself. Thank you for all you do for the PPD army from all of us at Band Back Together. Together, you know, we make a pretty kick ass team. Love ya, Lauren. And Love ya, Pam.
Amen. Together we kick total ass. Some of the strongest people on the planet belong to the Band and the Army. For the record, I’m right there with you, Jana. In fact, where’s the kleenex?? Love ya too, Jana. ((HUGS))
*passes kleenex and a big ole glass of scotch*
Thank you, my dear. ((hugs))
Pam. You are so loved. I’m so proud of you for doing what you can to get into a better place.
Hugs so hard they take your breath away,
Liz aka @d20blonde
It took my breath away, and my ability to speak away, when I saw, over & over, the outpouring of compassion, love, strength, and support given to Pam. That kind of support is powerful & life changing. I still remember the day I discovered #PPDchat. I found it because BA (Heir to Blair) was using the hashtag. I was new to twitter & didn’t really get hashtags, but once I realized what was happening, you better believe I figured things out & utilized such an amazing resource. I’m so proud to be part of it. I’m proud of all of us. XOXO
Exactly what you said. exactly.
Today is a good day.
Lauren, this is perfect. Perfect.
I’ve been amazed at watching that love roll out this week. Except, not amazed, because I expect nothing less. I know what this group is capable of. That love is always there, and in full force when it’s needed.
This is amazing. I am so amazed to be apart of such a wonderful support system.
Pam, you know that I love you.
You are an inspiration.
You are loved.
You are worth it.
We are all here to help guide you back safely.
Love and prayers for you friend
I have been in my own little bubble this past week+ so I completely (I admit this with huge embarrassment!) was out of the loop on what was happening. I don’t know how, I just know sometimes it happens. But when I caught on, and read and read and read. It took my breath away. Every second of it. You women are incredible. The support and the steady outpouring of love. Just incredible. I’m proud to be a small part of this community, and Lauren, I thank you beyond words for the army you lead each and every single day. Much love.
No embarrassment necessary, hon. Life is meant to be lived and sometimes that means we are out of the loop on the lives of others. Perfectly acceptable. Self-care at it’s best, actually. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment and for being part of our Army. ((hugs))
I’m sitting here at work with tears on my cheeks. I am so amazingly thankful that people were able to come together and help Pam get the help that she needs. I still can’t quite believe it. The last few nights I’ve been going to bed wondering if she would be okay … would we hear from her again. I pray that she gets the help that she needs and is able to heal.
Love and hugs to everyone!!!
Yes! Behold the power of #ppdchat
Behold the power of Love!
And Liz aka @d20blonde, you are one smart cookie! Yes, of course, count me in.
Lauren, look at what you started, Your place in heaven is secure, alright.
Group hug.
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You guys are amazing. I wish I had known about #ppdchat when I was suffering. I suffered in silence, but it doesn’t have to be that way! You guys are an inspiration.
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