Tag Archives: family

#PPDChat 02.15.16: On Being the Village

PPDChat 02-15-16It takes a village to raise a child. We are not meant to raise our children on an island by ourselves, and yet, that is what motherhood has become for so many in this modern age. That’s not to say that Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders are a new fangled issue, nay, they have existed in tandem with motherhood for quite some time (even Hippocrates addressed the issue of mothers who went mad after childbirth).

Mothers need help. But often, their village is unprepared to help them when these mothers are struggling with challenges well beyond the scope of standard child-rearing issues. How do you help a mother who is fighting against the darkness of a Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder, exactly? What should you do? What shouldn’t you do?

We’ll examine this and more during tonight’s chat. I sincerely hope you will join us at 8pm ET on Twitter. See you there!

#PPDChat 02.09.15: Sharing PPD With Family


Family is supposed to have your back, right? That’s what society says, anyway. But each family is different and every person holds “support” in their own box. They think they are helping but they are instead tearing you down with suggestions meant to heal you.

How do you decide when to share your diagnosis? What about when a beloved family member shames you for fighting this battle?  How large do you make the circle of people who are able to know?

Please join me tonight at #PPDChat to discuss this very issue. It’s one that is extremely important. See you on Twitter at 8:30pm ET!

#PPDChat Topic 02.25.13: Outta Steam – Coping on the Hard Days

ppdchat-02-25-13Motherhood, heck, parenthood period, doesn’t come loaded with sick days or days off when the going gets tough. No, we have to steel ourselves to push through it. Sometimes we soar right on through whatever is flung in our direction and then there are times when we feel we fail miserably.

It’s not easy.

With a Postpartum Mood Disorder on board, it gets even muckier. We barely have the energy to fight that in addition to taking care of our children, let alone tossing anything else on top of the flames. So how do you handle it when a tough day (or days) hits when you’re struggling? What if you get sick? What if everyone is sick? Or there’s an emergency family situation? Or..the list could go on.

Today’s chat will focus on these situations. Feel free to join us to vent, share tips, or just hang out. We don’t promise to instantly cheer you up or fix all the tough in your life, but after today’s chats over on Twitter, you’ll know you aren’t alone.

See you there!