Memories (A TRDC Post)

The red dress club writing prompt for today caught my attention and the following piece spilled out before I realized what was happening. The Red Writing Hood prompt today involved a photograph. Go here to read the other entries and see the photo on which this piece is based. Enjoy and thanks for visiting!




Deep breath as I stretch under the duvet. Red and green lights flash at me. Babbles fill the room. Why don’t babies come with a snooze button?


I sit up, sighing. Another deep breath as I reach for the drawer. My hand grips the curved steel to pull it open. Inside, my camera. Right. Today. Scooping it up, I sling it over my shoulder as I slam the drawer shut. I stumble to the bathroom. As I pass Simon’s room, I hear him babbling. It’s more a cooing at this age, really.


I set the camera down on the bathroom sink for safekeeping.




As I wash my hands, I stare at the camera. There have to be pictures. Memories. Things for him to look upon when he’s as big as I am – or bigger. Memories.


I stumble back down the hall stopping just short of his room. Lean against the wall and slide down, the dark wood swallowing me. The camera hits the floor with a thud. Simon stops babbling. He’s listening. My breath catches. I know what’s coming. I know what’s…






I mean, just.. SHIT.




How the hell could I be so fucking stupid? Really? The camera, of COURSE hitting the floor was going to make him scream. And I bet I broke the stupid thing too. I reach back to grab the camera – it’s still in one piece. Take the lens cap off and snap a quick picture to see if it sounds okay. Seems fine.


But I’m not. He’s not. He’s screaming. My breath is faster than a cheetah running across the savanah. My heart – well – it’s the damn Hindenburg. If I stand up, I’ll fall right back down. So I sing. Collapsed outside his room. I sing.


“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…”


He’s still crying. I’m still panting.


“You make me happy when skies are grey….”


I’m scream singing now. He’s whimpering. I tone it down.


“You’ll never know dear…”


I think I can get up. Hands on the wall, I stand. I reach down to grab the camera and prep it for a shot.


“ How much I love you….”


He’s silent as the door opens. I stare at his tear stained cheeks below the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.


“Please don’t take my sunshine away.”





0 thoughts on “Memories (A TRDC Post)

  1. angela

    So very relatable. A baby snooze button would have been (still would be?) a gift some mornings.

    The tears and the blue eyes got to me; both of my kids have super blue eyes (from Daddy, not me!) and I pictured their eyes as I read it.

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