I called my OB’s office after just LISTENING to cars go became nauseating! I had literally become incapacitated. Enough was ENOUGH. They called in a prescription for me and I am happy to say that it worked! At first I was taking it every four hours – and now, well, I am taking it occasionally and for the first time, I am thrilled to report that reaching the 12 week mark has somewhat miraculously eased my nausea!
Checked in with my OB yesterday – blood pressure was a bit high – 138/70something but hey – I almost rear-ended someone on the way in. I think ANYONE’S blood pressure would have been high. Oh, and did I mention I had BOTH of my daughters with me??? Yeah. Justification has been served. They were both actually very well behaved – I was quite surprised and pleased. Charlotte missed her morning nap – once we got home I put her to bed after lunch – she tried some of my Big Mac. And LOVED it. Heh. Can honestly say I never thought that she’d be eating a Big Mac at this age. It wasn’t what I had planned for her lunch but she lunged for it like a squirrel lunging for the last nut on the planet and who am I to refuse a lunge such as that???
At 12n, shortly after I put Charlotte down, Alli said she had to pee pee. SO I went to take her – and discovered blood down there. I freaked out and got Charlotte up and took them both to the ER. We arrived at 1230p. Once we got checked in, we discovered that there was a TWO hour wait. So I signed out and took Alli to a nearby Urgent Care Center. They wouldn’t see her. She needed to go to the ER. I called her ped’s office that was on her Medicaid card. Nope, they didn’t take medicaid and hadn’t for 4 years. HUH?! It was now 2p. I called Charlotte’s ped’s office where Alli had been a patient to see if they could squeeze her in. Nope – not until 530-6p and besides, she needed to go to the ER. UGH! I ended up driving us all home because by that time, frankly, I was hot, tired, and getting snippy. We came home, I put charlotte to bed (she didn’t fight it at ALL), gave Alli a bath, and we laid down in my bed for a bit. We fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 520, when Chris called to let me know he was on his way home. I went to change Alli and she still had blood in her diaper.
I made the decision to cancel PACE for the night and take Alli to the ER. We had to swing by the meeting location to hang up cancellation signs first but then onto the ER. We arrived at 7p and we were out of there by 9pm. They had to cath her to get a urine sample and ended up being iffy about the diagnosis. They didn’t give her antibiotics – said it might be UTI, may also have been an anal fissure due to constipation. Alli was a brave little girl – and quite the sweetheart – even insisted that I get stickers for being such a good helper! We put them on a piece of paper today to be framed and hung in her room.
Oh, and for added fun, a week ago today Chris tore ligaments in his left ankle so I’ve been running the household COMPLETELY since then. Life. It hits hard, and fast. And how you stand back up and deal with it determines what kind of person you are. And lemme tell you something – I am one serious butt-kicking mama when I have to be. But I also have enough sense to know when I need to rest. I’ve been going to bed at 830 or 9p most nights the past week. I am WORN SLAP OUT! In fact, I am going to bed now – naptime!