Tag Archives: Saturday

My guest posts @ Sluiter Nation & Our Giggles & Grimaces

This past week has been a very busy one for me – not only did I host #PPDChat and do all I do on Twitter, I also blogged here, worked a little more on my #PPDMD chat idea (I am SO EXCITED!), and wrote a couple of guest posts.

Katie Sluiter over at Sluiter Nation invited me to be an Official Sluiter Nation Recruit. Of course I accepted because Katie just rocks. You can read my post, “no private rooms” at her place here. She introduces me with the most awesome introduction ever. Moved me to tears, I tell you. (Thanks, Katie. And yes, I got your back if you need me again – without hesitation!)

Then Charity over at Our Giggles & Grimaces asked for guest posters too. Given that I’m her Greased Cat Yoga Instructor, I felt compelled to accept. I wrote about Self-care and a Mama’s Alarm clock. You should read it. Not just because I wrote it and therefore it’s awesome, but because well, yeah. It’s awesome. Plus, self-care. And hilariousness. Perfect for a Saturday morning, right?

So grab your coffee or sippy cup filled with OJ or apple juice and cruise on over to the guest posts I wrote this week!