“The Gesture”
by jinterwas @flickr.com
“The Gesture”
by jinterwas @flickr.com
‘Tis the season of Motherhood celebrations. A long-time cynic of companies who cater advertising to whatever holiday is around the corner, I always find it amusing when companies that don’t really apply to the holiday promote specials despite this fact and believe me, I’ve heard some doozies this past week. I’m not mentioning company names – just the general special and well, the reason it’s a BAD idea. Funny, but BAD. (And they are in no specific order)
Oh, and if you’re curious, click here for some serious education on the history and differences in the celebration of Mother’s Day.
1) Laser Hair Removal Gift Certificate
Gee Mom, you’re amazing. Thanks for all the dinners, the chauffering, the help with the homework, the laundry. Now go get those bushes removed from under your arms!
2) Any kind of Pet
You do so well with all the responsibility you have now – here – plate’s NOT quite full enough yet! Guaranteed to randomly poop, pee, and need to be fed at the worst time possible. Sound familiar???
3) Beer of the Month Club
Yeah, um, I think we ALL know who this is really for!
4) Anything Kitchen/house related
No new vaccuums here! DO not get her housewares unless she’s asked for them. Specifically. Even then, get a gift certificate and let her pick out whatever exactly what she wants.
5) Maid Service Gift Certificate
Sounds like a good idea, yes? NO! NO NO NO!!!!!! She will immediately be thinking about everything she will have to clean BEFORE the maid service shows up!