Tag Archives: My Postpartum Voice

My Postpartum Voice goes Zeen

I joined a new Beta site this past week. Darren Rowse, over at ProBlogger recommended checking it out.

I received my official invite last night and spent the morning playing with it. It’s a neat site, allows you to aggregate content from across the web, social sites, and beyond into a neat “zeen” (that’s hipster for magazine, I think).

I produced a Zeen focused on “Celebrating Postpartum Voices” this morning. The theme is “A Retrospective of Postpartum Voices of the Week.”

You can check it out here.

Postpartum Voice of the Week: My Safe Place

This week’s Postpartum Voice of the Week talks about her Postpartum Depression in relation to how it affected her perception of her own home, her safe place.

So often we take for granted that our home is where we can go to fall apart and feel safe. But what if that IS the place which causes us to fall apart? Where do we go then? How do we find solace when the one place we are supposed to be guaranteed solace is tragically absent of any trace of security and comfort?

This is exactly what Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders are like for several moms. Everything surrounding us causes anxiety, may trigger intrusive thoughts, or cause us to cry for no clear reason. Our safety rug has been pulled out from under us. We are fighting with tooth and nail to find a new comfort zone.

The author of this post finally feels that she is recapturing her Safe Place. I’m glad for her and sincerely hope she continues to find even more solace in her heart and her home.

Go read this amazing and succinct post. So very worth your time!

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