Tag Archives: homeschool

Sharing the Journey with Rebecca Powell

Here it is folks – the final interview for the ladies over at Totally New Moms.

Rebecca is one busy mom – I thank her for taking the time to answer my questions

so thoroughly and eloquently!



Rebecca Ingram Powell

Christian Author and Speaker



Monthly columnist, ParentLife magazine (LifeWay Christian Resources)



1) When did you become a Christian and what has helped to solidify or sustain your faith over the years?

Raised in the blessing of a Christian home, I came to Christ as a child. At an early age, I wanted Him to be my Savior, and I was eager to belong to Him. During my teen years, I battled an attraction to the world and made many foolish choices. The summer before my senior year of high school, however, God called me to a state of repentance before Him, and it was at that point that I realized Jesus had to reside over my life as my LORD.

A daily time of prayer and Bible study is the key to a growing faith. It cannot be skipped; it cannot be discounted. A faith that can meet the storms of life (and the victories, too) is a faith that is rooted in a daily relationship with Jesus.

2) What do you find to be most challenging about motherhood? The least?

I would have to say that the greatest challenge of motherhood is in raising godly children–kids who are set apart from the worldly culture that surrounds them but who can capably function as effective Christ-followers in the midst of it. And the easiest thing I do as a mom is love my kids. That’s never been hard!

 3) How has becoming a Mother changed you? Has it strengthened your faith in God?

Becoming a mom changed me from a self-centered, selfish young woman into a servant. I learned what it really meant to love another person unconditionally. Becoming a mom helped me understand the love of my Heavenly Father in a much deeper way. I love my children with all of my heart–there is nothing they could ever do to change my love for them. Although my love is nothing compared to how much God loves, it has given me a glimpse of it.

 4) In your opinion, what aspect of Motherhood should be most celebrated?

My children are 16, 13, and 11. They love the Lord, and they love each other. These years are truly a joy. At this point in my life, I believe that having teenagers that I love being with is cause for celebration!

 5) What led you to write Baby Boot Camp?

My husband and I were teaching a Sunday school class for young married couples. Inevitably, with that age group, people begin building their families. One of the young women in the class, Sondra, had just announced her pregnancy. Her younger brother, however, had just enlisted and was going through boot camp. Her concern for him was beginning to overrule her excitement about being pregnant, and she was sharing his needs with our class. She talked about how he was only getting around five hours of sleep each night, and he had to wolf down every meal. She said he didn’t have time for anything, and his drill sergeant was always yelling about something! To me, her brother’s ordeal sounded eerily like new motherhood–no time to sleep, no time to eat, someone always screaming–and Sondra would be facing similar circumstances in less than eight months. I remembered my first days as a mom, and I wondered if the experience might have gone more smoothly if I’d had someone around to cheer me on. A desire was planted in my heart as I realized I’d love to be there for Sondra, every day of the first six weeks, if I could. That very afternoon I began writing what would be my first published book, Baby Boot Camp, a collection of devotionals designed to encourage and support new moms through the challenging first six weeks of motherhood.

 6) What Bible verse(s) would you say has the most inspiration for you as a mother?        

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). The world offers tons of advice for raising children. Family and friends do, too. But the best place to go for inspiration and motivation in raising our children is straight to God’s Word. Go to His Word, and you will find all the help you need. Ask Him to lead you to resources that are biblically-based. 

 7) How did you come to the decision to homeschool your children? Any advice for other mothers contemplating this route?

Lauren, this could be a very long answer! :) Briefly, however, the decision was made over many years. I was thinking about homeschooling before I even had children. God put people and resources in our path that caused my husband and me to investigate homeschooling as an alternative to traditional education. As time went on, we realized that we were not simply making a decision, we were responding to a call that God had placed on our lives. I frequently talk to moms who are considering homeschooling, and I always tell them to pray, pray, pray! It has to be something you know you are called to do. Also, you must be in agreement with your husband. It will not work if the two of you are not on the same page. I will also say that I do not regret a single moment of my journey as a homeschooling mom!

 8) How did the idea for your joint blog, Totally New Moms with Sue McRoberts and Arlene Pellicane come to fruition?

This was a God thing. I am a sporadic blogger at best, but blogging is something that I enjoy doing, and I think it’s a great ministry. Teaming up with Sue gave me an incentive because I really wanted to help her give her own ministry and book more exposure. Then God brought Arlene in through an email she sent me. We each have different areas of expertise, but we have the same heart for Jesus. I believe that our blog will be a great place for moms to find the information they need.

 9) If there was one piece of advice you could give to an expectant mother (new or experienced), what would it be and why would this be important for her to hear?

 Your daily time with the Lord, whether you have five minutes or fifty, is something that must be highest priority. Moms tend to put this off and many times believe that it just doesn’t matter. But your relationship with Jesus makes the biggest difference in your life and in your parenting! Author Anne Ortlund said that you can soak yourself in His Word if you really want to! Put verses up around the house. Keep a Bible under the sink in the bathroom so you can read from it while your little one plays in the tub. Focus on Him and make your constant prayer, “Lord, teach me to love you.” He is faithful, and He will do it. And you must pray for your child. God knows your child’s needs much better than you do. He also knows His plan and purpose for your child’s life. Leading our children in the way He has for them is their only assurance of being truly fulfilled. Some people look all their lives for that “something” that is missing. They are looking for Jesus. As moms, we have the amazing opportunity to point our children to the Savior, Jesus Christ. That should be our goal every day. In order to do that successfully, we must be sure that our hearts are pointed to His.