Tag Archives: goodbye

Farewell, #PPDChat

It’s been a long haul.

It’s saved lives.

It’s empowered so many.

Educated even more.

Brought women together who felt so alone and lost. Created lasting friendships.

In short, it’s been amazing.


Like all good things, it too, must come to an end.

There’s been a lull. And then work got crazy. So I haven’t run #PPDChat for quite some time now. And no one has said a thing. It’s time.

With Twitter on the downward spiral as well, it is definitely time.

There will be no more live #PPDChat sessions. We will keep the group on FB going. But, alas, there will be no more active weekly chats. I simply can’t keep up with it along with my current workload. It’s just not feasible. Anyone who knows me knows that I am massively true to walking the path I preach. Self-care is of the utmost importance to me and quite frankly, right now, I need all the self-care I can garner.

So adieu, to all those who have helped to create #PPDChat into what it is today. It is with a very heavy heart that I write this post as this, this outreach, has been my lifeblood for quite some time now. But like a whisper on the wind, it has faded, and the time has come.

I will always be here, always available. Always approachable. And always, always, full of love for those who are struggling to find answers and light in the dark.