To Dads who have supported a Postpartum Mama, this post is for you:
The day you came home from a really hard day at work and I shoved our screaming baby into your arms then ran away to hide in the bedroom?
The day I yelled and screamed at you for not putting a diaper on fast enough or something equally inane and insignificant?
THE day I curled up into a ball and cried and cried and cried then screamed and cried and beat up my pillow then wailed some more?
The day after when I could not even get out of bed and you brought me food and took care of the baby so I could rest?
The day you called the doctor’s office for me?
The day you walked with me through those doors to my doctor’s appointment?
The day you helped me through not wanting to take my medication because I shouldn’t have to take a pill just to be me?
The day you just sat and listened to me as I talked about my frustrations, fears, and hopes?
The day you held me as I cried because the bad days started outnumbering the good again?
The day we both saw the fog lift once again?
THANK YOU for being there for me through all of it. Even if I haven’t spoken those words yet, I will. One day. They’re in my heart right now. Stuck. Aching to come out. When I’m finally well enough, they will tumble all over themselves as they struggle to escape. And I will mean them with more depth than you will ever every know. The day the fog lifts will fill with radiant sunshine. Laughter will fill the air and we will both see the blessed life we have been given. We’ll never take anything for granted again.
THANK YOU for being my Rock as I fell. Thank you for being my solace as I healed. For that, You ROCK.
What a beautiful, beautiful post, Lauren!
This is such a great one!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this, Lauren. You have a gift for writing, it’s incredible. Blessings to your family on this fathers day.
P.S. I just started a blog about my postpartum experience as well. It’s a hard topic for me to write about, but in telling ones story, true healing begins. Thanks for your courage to share with us all!
So happy to hear you had someone like that by your side through postpartum hell. This post is a wonderful tribute to him.
(tears again) … good stuff!!!
I think I can safely say for all of us Dads out there, you are very welcome.