Tom Coburn makes my head hurt!!!!!!!
Seriously. I was doing my homework on Senator Coburn last night and landed a headache miles longer than Route 66.
Senator Tom Coburn, R, OK, has been by far one of the staunchest opposers of the MOTHER’S Act.
He’s an OB
He’s delivered 4,000 babies.
Statistics would lead you to believe he’s seen at LEAST a few cases of PPD, right?
According to Dr. Coburn, breastfeeding is automatic protection against postpartum mood disorders. (Ok Sen Coburn – so where was my protection when I was exclusively nursing my first daughter or exclusively pumping for my second? seriously – where was it? Was it hiding under some mysterious rock? Behind my back? Did I leave it at the hospital? Perhaps my first OB stole it from me – but wherever it was, I sure as heck didn’t have it!)
His primary argument for being against The Melanie Blocker Stokes Act? He doesn’t support disease specific legislation. Yeah, um, ok.
Let’s delve into some legislation Senator Coburn has authored, shall we? (By the way, everything below was pulled directly off his Senate website)
Guaranteeing Patient’s Rights (author)
A law to guarantee patients’ rights for those enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid, including timely access to primary and specialty health care providers, a timely grievance process with appeals, an explanation of the enrollee’s rights and plan information, and prohibitions on restrictions on communications between patients and doctors and financial incentives to encourage health care providers to deny medically necessary care. Provision contained within Public Law 105-33, signed 8/5/1997.
YET Dr. Coburn does NOT accept Medicaid/Medicare patients at HIS OWN PRACTICE! (OK Medical Board website)
Streamlining the Approval of Disease Diagnostics (author)
A law to improve the review and approval process of radiopharmaceuticals (articles used in the diagnosis or monitoring of a disease). Provision contained within Public Law 105-115, signed 11/21/1997.
(Is it just me or is the word DISEASE not only in the title but the description too?)
Protecting Babies from AIDS (author)
A law to require all pregnant women to be counseled about and offered testing for HIV to prevent the transmission of the virus to unborn and newborn babies. Provision contained with Public Law 104-146, signed 5/20/1996.
(Hmmm. AIDS is a disease. Pretty specific one too. AND this one requires counseling and an offer of a test)
Treating and Preventing HIV/AIDS (author)
A law to provide access to AIDS treatment for underinsured Americans living with HIV, including counseling for those with HIV emphasizing it is the continuing duty of those infected not to infect others with the disease. Public Law 106-345, signed on 10/20/2000.
(Wow. Treating AND Preventing HIV, huh? Feeling a little warm over here…)
Providing Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs (author)
A law to allow Americans to import prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Provision contained with Public Law 106-387, signed 10/28/2000.
(So he’s ok with importing drugs that yes, may be approved by the FDA but only God knows from where some of them are sourced. Yet he wants to deny new moms access to care and aid for Postpartum Depression?????)
Preventing Cervical Cancer(author)
A law to educate the public about human papillomavirus (HPV), a leading cause of cervical cancer, including how to prevent HPV infection. The law also requires condoms to be relabeled with a warning that condom use does not protect against HPV infection. Provision contained within Public Law 106-554, signed 12/21/2000.
(Wow. A law to educate the public about a DISEASE. Again – common ground?)
Source: on April 21, 2009 @ 1132pm.
Seriously though.
Postpartum Mood Disorders should not be a ping pong ball across the aisles of the Senate. Just as it is not black and white out here in the real world as to who will get it, it’s not JUST a Democratic Issue. It’s not JUST a Republican Issue. It’s an every party issue. It’s a 20% of ALL new moms issue. It’s a 50% higher risk of repeat for survivors the second time around. It’s a 95% risk of repeat for survivors the third time around! It’s a 2.3x higher risk for Moms who have husbands/partners deployed issue. It’s a 3x higher risk for first time Moms over the age of 35 developing Postpartum Psychosis issue. It’s a HUGE issue, ok?
I want to know at what point in the feminist movement Moms got screwed over. When did we become ok with chilling on the back burner? Where is Susan B Anthony when we need her? Anyone out there in need of a kick in your activism spirit? Watch Iron Jawed Angels. It’s about suffrage. And man did those chicks go through it. I HOPE it doesn’t come to that but I am passionately determined to get this bill passed. Thing is, I can’t do it by myself.
Senator Menendez can’t do it by himself. Neither can Congressman Bobby Rush. Or Carole Blocker. Or Susan Stone. We need YOUR help, YOUR voices. Your stories of survival, strength, and experiences with a system that is failing new families each and every day. We HAVE to raise awareness.
Don’t wait any longer to pick up that phone and call the H.E.L.P. Committee. Go to your email and send a message RIGHT now to Susan Dowd Stone ( Include your name, state, and any professional credentials or organizational affilitations. Let others know you support the MOTHER’S Act.
I LOVED this post! You go girl! I esp loved your referring to him as a walking oxymoron and your sarcasm about his selective support of “disease-specific legislation.” Your statistics were an added umph! If we had more Lauren Hale’s, Susan Stone’s and Katherine Stone’s in this world, fewer moms would be suffering today because the legislation we so direly need would already be in place. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s his image he’s trying to maintain and/or avoidance of whatever conflict of interest this bill may represent. Perhaps he wants to avoid controversy surrounding something as stigmatic as mental health in general! He really needs to get with the program and get the facts straight about PPD, considering he’s an OB/GYN. A sad state of affairs indeed! Keep up your great blogging efforts!