Looking forward to my night OFF

I have to say that I am really looking forward to my evening off. And I mean COMPLETELY off. No husband, no kids, no nothing. Well, there will be the two dogs over at the in-laws house but really – I’ll just have to let them out tonight and feed them in the morning. That doesn’t count.

I am about to go pack and then shower – taking advantage of our new massage setting – then get ready to head on out. I am not taking my computer or anything PPD related with me. And I am packing my very nice nightgown set that my mom bought me for my birthday. It’s to be worn for my hospital stay once I have the baby but I have been wearing it here and there – just to pamper myself. And all moms deserve to be pampered!

I washed my body pillow and case this morning. I can’t be without it and it desperately needed to be washed. I can’t wait to sleep in a nice big comfy bed and not have an alarm clock shriek me into consciousness. So looking forward to a quiet morning!

Haven’t decided if I am going to go to the cell phone store this evening after dinner or not. Guess it’ll depend on how energentic I feel after dinner. I do need to grab a few movies to take with me – otherwise it’ll be Rambo if I want to watch something. I’m thinking something like Seven Years in Tibet or maybe even something hopelessly hilarious like There’s Something About Mary (that is, if I can find them). I may even splurge on a pint of ice cream for myself…. we’re tight in the budget department this week, so again, haven’t decided yet. For that matter, I haven’t decided where we’re going for dinner – although I am strongly leaning towards Red Lobster. I am suffering from a fierce seafood craving.

Gotta run, it’s nearly 3p here and Chris will be getting off soon. I need to be ready when he gets home to race to the car and be outta here!

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