I feel that I would be remiss if i didn’t talk about what today means to me.
If you feel that this post may be a trigger for you, please skip it.
I am originally from NJ and went on several trips growing up to NY or Philly. My roots are still up North even though they’ve been stretched down south for much longer. I’m still a true blue Mets, Giants, and Knicks Fan. Yes, I said Knicks.
When the first Tower was hit, I was in the middle of a job interview. (No, didn’t get the job.) I remember being shown into a co-worker’s office to see the online video. My first thought was of family friends we had in NY – a few of whom worked in the financial district of NY. My cousin also went into NY just about everyday for school. As I drove home, I wasn’t really at the wheel. Somehow I got home. And when I did, I turned on CNN and just sat there, dazed. I SAW the second plane hit in real time. It was then I realized along with the rest of the world we were indeed being attacked and let me tell you – I had never been more scared of anything. Later that same day, my now husband and I were outside trying to get my car started. We realized there was an eeriness to the world – and then we pinpointed that eeriness. No planes. Just as when you are injured, you don’t realize how attached to everything else the spot of injury is until it isn’t working properly. Growing up, we had never lived a day without planes flying overhead.
After 9/11, I wanted to go to NY. I wanted to help, to do something. I was angry, and felt helpless – much like the rest of America. I didn’t go – I’m sorry to say, but God clearly had other plans for me.
We discovered at our wedding that my cousin had been on the train headed into NY that day and had watched everything happen from right across the river. And yet another family friend had been in the towers the DAY BEFORE! God works in mysterious ways.
If you have read this post, please pause for a moment – Remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives, Remember the victims who were so carelessly murdered that day. And Remember the Families who were so tragically affected by the events of that day. Keep them in your hearts and your prayers. And never forget.