Addendum to Just one lil’ babe!

Forgot to mention that my OB this pregnancy is very ok with me staying on my current med. He knows the risk factor of relapse and that there really aren’t any major studies that state severe harm to the fetus related to the current med I’m on. So thankfully I’ll already have the meds and don’t have to worry about suddenly going off them. He pretty much told Chris and I that this is our pregnancy and he’s just here to guide us when necessary. I absolutely LOVE how laid back he is – he mentioned that most providers would even make me take the Glucose Tolerance Test at this point due to a prior episode with Gestational Diabetes during my first pregnancy – and he was cool with me opting out of that one and just doing the standard 24 – 28week test. I am thrilled about that because anyone who’s ever done a GTT knows how horrible that stuff tastes! UGH! And if you can get out of doing it more than once in your pregnancy – you better believe I’m taking that option! (I didn’t have GD with my second pregnancy, BTW, which is why I felt comfortable opting out) I feel confident that he will really respect my wishes and won’t try to promote some weird personal belief on the pregnancy. Where was this guy during my first two pregnancies?!?!?!?!

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About LHale

Sassy, outspoken, laughing, football loving, F1 & MotoGP fanatic, coffee and beer snob, bacon addicted Mama blogging about Postpartum Mood Disorders as she tries to figure out her new place in this world. C'mon along for the ride, won't ya?

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