Hey, y’all!
It’s time to start growing #PPDChat beyond the borders of its current space. To do that, I need some help!
I started #PPDChat in 2010 with the goal of reaching out to women and families through a new medium. To bash stigma in the most public of places, on Social Media. It took off more than I ever imagined it would.
The hashtag has gone places, including trending the week of the National Football Championship.
It’s even transitioned into a closed FB group where over 300 mothers have grown into a close knit community.
But it’s time to take it to the streets and really push the boundaries of growing this community which is centered on the principles I hold so dearly and work to strive in my own life after battling against PP OCD twice:
Self-care: It’s important. As a person, as a woman, as a mother. Self-care is what keeps us going, what fills us up so we can give of ourselves to others. We cannot give to others if we are constantly pouring from an empty pitcher.
Self-respect & respect of others: Just because I have a mental health issue does not mean I am not a person. I absolutely am, you absolutely are as well. We’re just walking a road with a bit of fog on it and for some that fog is a bit thicker than for others. Eventually it will lift and the sun will shine. In the #PPDChat community, respect for others as people is one of the highest priorities.
Self-advocacy and speaking boldly: We are our best advocates. We know what’s going on inside our minds better than anyone else because we live there. Honesty with ourselves, our loved ones, and our professional caregivers is what will help us heal. (With the caveat of sharing with toxic people who shoot us down, of course – that absolutely will not contribute to healing). We empower each other to advocate for ourselves through a shared experience, through personal support, and through locating resources. With #PPDChat, you absolutely are not alone.
With these principles in mind, I am seeking volunteers to join together with me to reach out to new sources of women who would benefit from getting involved with the #PPDChat community. Your involvement may be as involved or as limited as you are able…remember self-care is important here so we do not want to drain you. Marketing, outreach, blog posts, sourcing new places to develop partnerships, etc.
Right now, the only conditions for volunteering are that you must be:
- A survivor or a partner of a survivor of a PMAD episode (this does include antenatal mood disorders as well)
- Driven & dedicated to help others who have found themselves in the same boat with this beast
- Have an internet connection or willing to do footwork in your own community
- Able to respond to emails calling for action and a minimum of 1 hour of action/advocacy a week
That’s it. Pretty simple. Right now, I’m gathering volunteers. First email will go out on July 15th so fill out the form below to contact me before then if you’re interested in diving right into this with me.
Can’t volunteer? Pass this post on to someone who may be interested as well. This is the year #PPDChat breaks out of the shell it’s grown into and really starts kicking some serious stigma ass.
Who’s with me?
[contact-form subject=’Volunteer Interest for #PPDChat’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Tell Us About You’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’What are you willing to do?’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]