As I’ve shared recently, life has been coming at me fast and furious with no relief in sight.
Suddenly, on the horizon, there was this challenge.
It came from Drs. Diane Sanford and Ann Dunnewold, authors of Life Will Never Be the Same: The Real Mom’s Postpartum Survival Guide.
Finally! Relief!
Today, October 6th, marks the beginning of this challenge. It couldn’t be starting on a better day. It’s only Tuesday evening and already I have had a heck of a week. Tomorrow? More of the same.
But tomorrow I start to take back time for me.
Motherhood does not always equal throwing oneself under the bus. It should not equal throwing oneself under the bus. If spending every moment of the day with your children works for you, great. It doesn’t work for me. I love my kids immensely. But I value my alone time as well. I believeĀ taking time for myself teaches my children a valuable lesson. It sets an example that YOU are worthy of care and mothering too.
Today’s entire first challenge can be found at the Living the Self-Care Challenge blog.
You can read the challenge in under two minutes and execute it in under 15. So today, I challenge you to do this when you can. Do it in the pick up line at your kids school, once you get home after dropping them off, in the bathroom at work, on the elevator, wherever you can grab a spare 15 minutes.
I’m so excited about this challenge and hope many of you will take it with me!
PS. I’ll be putting up a separate page for this challenge. All of the posts will be listed there, organized into weeks.