I’m currently taking suggestions for tomorrow’s #PPDChat at Twitter.
So far, I’ve had three fellow Twitizens chime in:
@kfgrum: @unxpctdblessing What about: What we can do to bounce back when triggered? or How we deal with those that don’t understand.
d20Blonde: @unxpctdblessing I’m interested in talking about life *after* #ppd and #ppa
Freelancer4Hire: @unxpctdblessing Not “PPD” but I would love 2 chat about prenatal depression.PPD is becoming more understood,prenatal dep is still a mystery
All GREAT suggestions indeed. Keep them coming! We may not pick your topic for tomorrow but rest assured we’ll get to it eventually! This chat is all about you and what you want or need to get off your chest or have questions about. Use your voice and speak up!
(I need them before 8pm so I can create the snazzy graphic for tomorrow’s announcement post!)