If you read my blog regularly, I’m sure you’ve noticed it’s been almost a month since I’ve posted anything.
Not publishing Thanksgiving weekend was intentional. I went home for the first time in years and thoroughly enjoyed the chaotic visit filled with all the turkey trimmings.
Upon returning home, my laptop died. I did not lose any data so don’t freak out for me. Seems my mouse is taking a line from ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas a bit early. Not a creature is stirring, not even my mouse. You see, it scurries just fine until I click on something. Then it scampers toward one of the four corners (most often the upper right hand one), refusing to come out unless the computer is manually restarted. I suspect an elf has hidden some irresistible Linberger cheese up there.
I have been trying to keep up with my email via my phone but now my mobile email program is refusing to work.
I think I’m being told to take some time off.
On a positive note my home is so clean I’d be ok with a complete stranger visiting. Still have some spaces in need of rescue but the main rooms are mostly spotless. Ever heard the phrase “Show me a clean house and I’ll show you a broken computer.”? I’m living the dream.
I’m throwing in the towel for the time being. We already had plans to purchase a brand new monster of a laptop with all the trimmings after the holidays so now I’m just biding my time. I am blogging right now only because I’ve hijacked my husband’s laptop which he has graciously been leaving at home for me but it’s been a bit like visiting a stranger’s house. I’m not completely comfortable on someone else’s machine. Plus I’ve really been enjoying the kids so most of the time I forget his computer is even here.
In the meantime, please feel free to forage about the site using the archives.
If you’re in need of immediate assistance, please visit Postpartum Support International. You can also pick up the phone and give their warmline a ring at 1.800.944.4PPD. And don’t forget they do have weekly support calls for both men and women. Men’s calls are on Mondays while Women’s calls are on Wednesdays. Details are at the website.
If you are thinking of Suicide, please visit SuicideHotlines.com for a pretty comprehensive list of Suicide Hotlines across the states.
Also, please visit Postpartum Progress for regular PPD posts and some great holiday survival tips.
You can also find online support at the Online PPD Support Page.
So while I won’t be back until after the holidays, I’m leaving you with plenty of support and well wishes. May you have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to jumping back in head first after the first of the year!
We miss you! Have a great Christmas!
Can’t wait til you’re back in action!
Hi, this is my first time posting here. I just finished reading your very graphic post including details of your intrusive thoughts and I am so glad to know that I am not alone. I went through horrible ppocd after my son was born at the end of June. I had extreme anxiety and just awful intrusive thoughts. I talked to my therapist every day and started taking Zoloft. I was only on Zoloft for a week though, because suddenly the fig lifted and I got better. I stopped taking meds and have been doing great for the past 6 and a half months. I love my boy more than anything and wad enjoying bonding with him. About two weeks ago, I stopped breastfeeding. It was a gradual thing, because I had started working again and my supply started to decline. I was still trying to pump a few times daily with very little results so I decided to stop. Now I am suddenly in a relapse of all of the same symptoms I was experiencing before. Anxiety, intrusive thoughts and absolute terror of myself. I am back on meds and praying every moment that this will pass soon. I guess my question to you is do you think that if the initial incident passed so quickly that this relapse will pass quickly as well? I am just looking for a little hope here. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Hey! When I was struggling with ppd and post-partum ptsd I tried to find some sort of online community for people blogging about those things. I couldn’t, and now that I’ve recovered, I’m hoping to create something like that for others who are currently struggling. So I’ve started listing blogs about PMDs and have featured yours. I am hoping to be able to do a weekly “round-up” featuring what bloggers are writing about ,and highlighting those who could use some “commenty” support. I’d love it if you’d stop by, check out the “round up,” and, if you have some time, visit some of the bloggers who could use some support. Thanks so much for your blog!