ME Time! :-)

Nana and Papa took Alli to see a Cinderella play last night and then Alli spent the night. They picked Charlotte up this morning to take them both to a Christmas parade. Chris is at work so i am home alone, propped up on the couch with a ton of pillows and a heating pad. Hopefully I’ll be able to fall asleep and get a little nap in because I told Alli we’d watch a big girl movie during quiet time so I won’t be able to rest then. I think we’re going to watch The Chronicles of Narnia.

I am definitely trying to make the most of this relaxation time – because soon I won’t have any for quite awhile!

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About LHale

Sassy, outspoken, laughing, football loving, F1 & MotoGP fanatic, coffee and beer snob, bacon addicted Mama blogging about Postpartum Mood Disorders as she tries to figure out her new place in this world. C'mon along for the ride, won't ya?

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