Tonight I went and dropped off my Maternity & Baby Fair items and paperwork. The Fair is next weekend (the 11th) and I am very excited to be participating and getting the word out not only to attendees but to other exhibitors as well!
Now, about the off topic part. On the way home, two motorcyclists pulled up beside my car. Both had helmets on (law here in Georgia), however, they lacked any other protective gear. They were both wearing cotton shirts, khaki pants, one did not have socks on, and the one without socks also was wearing short sleeves. I don’t even want to begin to go into what would happen to him IF he were to wreck – which is something that can happen very quickly when you are on a bike. I immediately thought, Wow. You really don’t care about yourself at all, do you? To top things off, once the light turned green and traffic started moving again, the first biker properly merged into right lane traffic. The second biker however, had his left blinker on and proceeded to merge right, (the guy didn’t use hand signals either) cutting off the GMC SUV in front of me, causing him to slam on his brakes, and I had to slow down quite drastically as well. It was at that moment I decided to blog this experience. Why, may you ask?
I’ll tell you why.
My dad is a biker. Not a Harley stereotypical biker, but a sports biker. A RESPONSIBLE BIKER. He wears his helmet, gloves, leathers, etc, ON EVERY RIDE. Why? Because it’s the right way to do it. And my Dad believes in doing things the RIGHT WAY… the RESPONSIBLE Way. Trust me… it’s been drilled into me since childhood. And I appreciate that value. Greatly. In fact, while it does worry me sometimes that he rides so much, I take comfort knowing that even though he could wreck (and has, but it wasn’t his fault, some woman clipped HIM because she wasn’t paying attention!), at least he believes in wearing the proper gear EVERY TIME HE GETS ON HIS BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
The picture included is a pic of my dad and his friends on a recent bike trip. My dad is the one in the jacket with what look like white lightning strikes on the back. The blue bike is his. Notice my Dad and all those with him ARE ALL WEARING SAFETY GEAR.
Drivers, Please, watch out for bikers.