Just yesterday here in Georgia, there was a Primary Election. All sorts of offices are up for grabs.
Governor, a Senate seat, Insurance Commissioner, Lieutenant Governor, and a myriad of other state level and local offices.
I did not vote.
Bad me.
If you think I am proud of this, please, you are judging me way to quickly. I am not bragging here.
I did not vote because I was not educated enough about the field of candidates and their stance on the issues. I believe an uniformed voter is more dangerous than a non-voter.
Voting is sacred. It one of the most important responsibilities of an American citizen. We owe it to each other to be educated, informed, and to exhibit these qualities at the poll when we cast our vote. I did not do my homework. I did not show up at the test. I flunked. I apologize from the depths of my very American soul. Seriously.
I promise to brush up on my candidates to make an informed decision the next time around. I would urge you to do the same as well.
Because if Bubbles the Chimp ends up in office, I’m so looking at you.