What are you grateful for today?

I’ll admit this post is more for me.

It’s been a rough few days with the kids – lots of testing of boundaries and what not. But kids are like that. I’m slap worn out. Things are looking up but I still could use a pick me up.

Plus the kids are busy having fun of their own right now which means mommy is having a hard time thinking straight enough to blog about anything too terribly serious.

So as I struggled to think about what I could blog about as they shrieked and screamed, I settled on typing in three things for which I am grateful. It’s an exercise I suggest to most postpartum women who contact me and I could really use it today to help me focus on the positive.

Here goes:

I am grateful for:

1) Three happy, playful children

2) My ability to hear their shrieks, screams, and all the other little endearing sounds they make throughout the day.

3) My husband’s warm hugs

What are YOU grateful for today?

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