Here I sit, grateful to be out of the house, and grateful to the folks who have allowed me to sit here in their conference room, free of charge, for the entire past year in order to provide support to women in need. It’s been a terrific year, even with the ups and downs and frazzled moments in between. Hmmmm. Sounds like life!
I wouldn’t dare begin to count how many women I’ve touched with my story and support. All I know is what I’ve been doing has been precisely what I AM supposed to be doing.
On the way here, desperate for some blissful distraction, I was scanning my SIRIUS radio for some good music and came across Bon Jovi’s Livin on a Prayer. Yeah, it’s an oldie but God chose that song to speak to me. This past year has been just that – I’ve been livin on a prayer. A prayer to uplift my family and allow us to give back and help others get through what we’ve been through. It’s been a prayer for increased faith, increased trust, and increased strength. And our prayer has been answered over and over again. I know it is just not possible for us to have gotten through the past year without His hand guiding our lives.
And you’ll continue to live on a prayer as you head into the next year! Praying for you as always and reading your blog with bated breath waiting for the baby to arrive! ((((hugs))))) Tara @ Out of the Valley